Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Everybody's Fool

You all may have seen this, but just in case... It's one of the best fan-made music-videos for anything that I've seen (I think). I just like the way it fits and it's two of my favorite things: Jeff and Evanescence.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jeff On Jurassic - Open To A Return!

He better darn well be! I would so love for Malcolm to return for a Jurassic Park IV!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Tall Guy

Click the link above. Blogger writes on The Tall Guy (starring Goldblum and Emma Thompson) and includes some screencaps. Fun! 

I just wish I could get a hold of this film!

Jeff On Law and Order

Just a little bit on Jeff's character:
"A writer from the U.K., asks:

Can you please confirm that Jeff Goldblum's new character on Law & Order Criminal Intent is to be named James Pierce?

Actually, it will be Det. Zach Nichols."