"Anyone who thought that movie casting was a fine art should check out this entry on the New York version of classifieds site Craigslist. It's a request for extras to appear in The Baster, a Jennifer Aniston/Jason Bateman romcom about a woman who has a child with a sperm donor only to discover seven years later that the helpful chap was actually – gulp – her best friend. The film, due out next year, co-stars Jeff Goldblum (the quirky doc, perhaps?) and is based on a story by Jeffrey Eugenides, author of The Virgin Suicides and hermaphrodite novel Middlesex.
Anyway, Grant Wilfley Casting, the resourceful agency behind the post, aren't just looking for people to pad out a crowd scene. Don't go getting your hopes up; not just anyone can apply for these roles. What they're looking for are:
• A heavy-set woman who is able to ride a bike, comfortable in provocative wardrobe, and comfortable having profanities shouted at her.
• A woman with a round face, small eyes and upturned nose who is comfortable having profanities shouted out at her in a comedic scene.
• A rail-thin teen boy with bad skin, bad acne.
Specific, eh? Not just bad acne, but bad skin on top of it. And does the inclusion of the "comedic scene" clause in the second request suggest that the insults hurled at the first woman form part of a really heartbreaking bicycle moment?
Hopefuls are invited to send a recent photo and contact details to an email address. Are you tempted? Why not send in your snaps to us first at film.editor@guardianunlimited.co.uk – we can tell you if you fit the bill. And who does this tell you more about: the Grant Wilfley Casting agency, or the people who might be likely to browse the small ads on Craigslist?"
Forget Jennifer Anniston. Jeff GOLDBLUM!!! I don't match these descriptions, but I half wish I did. Wouldn't it be cool if one of these parts got to share screen time with Jeff?